The Hunters Of Shadow Convention 3 – Saturday Group Pannel

Group Panel – Saturday

Dom: Hello everyone! (loud cheering) Thank you for having us in Paris! (cheering) It’s been wonderful so far and we’re very excited to get started with this wonderful weekend and all you wonderful people

Matt: Hello! There’s a lot of people here today. That’s exciting, we’re going to have a lot of fun, and you guys are going to be loud. (loud cheering) (in THAT voice) Let’s have a great time.

Will: (At what Matt said) That’s beautiful. I mean, that’s beautiful! The sentiment there… just beautiful! (to crowd) Hi guys! How’s it going? (loud cheering) So good to be here, so good to see you all… and introducing this guy (pointing at Luke – super loud cheering)

Luke: (shy wave) Hi

Will: They were going to give us just the one chair, and just switch us back and forth…

Luke: To be fair, I thought they were one chair short and I was just going to leave… (AWW)

Harry: Hello… (Insanely loud cheering) we’re going to have a lot of fun today. Can’t wait to meet you all and answer some deep questions. So.. let’s give it another scream! (cheering)

Kat: Good morning everybody! (cheering) THOS con Paris was our first Shadowhunters convention and it always feels like family and it always feels like coming home and we’ve got the whole family here today!

Alberto: Hello hello (cheering) It’s really great to be here again. I see a lot of familiar faces, I see a lot of new faces. Can’t wait to meet all of you or see all of you again!

Nicole: Hello (super loud cheering) It’s so amazing to be in Paris. I love Paris and like Alberto was saying, it’s really cool at this point in our journey, all of us together as a family, us and you guys, to start seeing people that I recognise and also to see new people and it’s been an amazing time so far in your city, thank you for having us!

Jade: Wow! (cheering) Bonjour! (cheering) Ca va? (loud cheering!) Jade continues talking in French to lots of screaming about how it’s good to be back in Paris and to see how the convention has grown.

Emeraude: Hello everyone! I am so excited to be back, and to see everyone. It’s been a while and I can’t wait to see you all and take pictures and do fun things together and I will see you guys soon.

David: Buongiorno. Did I say that right? (NOPE!) Good to see you guys. So happy you guys came out. Is anyone else sweating? It’s so freaking hot! (cheering) You guys are awesome. I’m always excited to come to these conventions because of the love you guys give us. I love you guys so much and I can’t wait to meet you.

Kat: Do we get to answer questions now?

Dan: Yes! Are you ready?

Kat: So ready!

Dan: Deep questions

Jade: What’s your favourite…. Pony?

Alberto: Wait. Can I ask a question? How many people were here last year? (cheering) How many people is this their first convention? (quieter cheering)

(Kat congratulates Alberto for breaking the ice)

If you could live in any time period, which one would you choose and why?

Emeraude: The 1950s, the 20s, I don’t know. Any time where the girls were dressing cute!

Alberto: I’d like to say that I would live in a different time, but there are a lot of comforts in this time that I’m not sure I’d want to live without…

Dom: I agree. All my friends are here. My family is here. I want to stay in this time (audience coos) No no no no! Not them! My actual friends.

Harry: But don’t you think there is another version of all of us in another time?

Dom: Where we all run a speakeasy in the 20s or something?

Harry: That’s a wormhole right there!

Nicola: I mean, not to get too serious, but at least for women and for a lot of people, this is the best  time there has ever been. As women, it’s now or never baby. We’re at the beginning of a future of women actually achieving equality so for me, I’m sticking with right now and the future!

Emeraude: That was a fabulous answer. So I agree with her!

David: On another serious note, once upon time, there was a time, when there was no time. So…

Kat: Now that’s deep!

David: I don’t know where I was going with that… Anyway. Elvis. I love Elvis. I want to meet him!

Jade: Atlantis! Some of you think it’s not a real time, but it is! That’s where I belong.

Matt: (off microphone) But it’s underwater

Jade: Yes!

Dom: Use your microphone Matt!

Nicola: He’s saying he’d chose Atlantis, before it was in the ocean

Harry: ooooooh

Dom: Isn’t the ocean part the bit that makes it cool tough? Otherwise it’s just a city!

Matt: (to Jade) You do like mermaids a lot!

Dom: The mermaids wouldn’t be there if it was above ground! – – Hey Dan! (Dan is the translator) Loving your life so far? (laughter)

Did you know each other before the show or did you get to know each other during the show?

Dom: It’s a mixed answer. I knew Will from London and Kat and Luke from LA. I met everyone else on the show. Aaaand… that’s it.

Kat: I knew Dom beforehand and I met Luke during, outside of the show. And the other ones became family. I never forget the first day when I got to Toronto all these guys were pretty much there already and we all went to dinner. And I was really nervous about it. I was the youngest one on the cast and going to be living in a foreign country with all of these people and I only knew Dom. Having everybody become a family so quickly… we pretty much laughed until we cried that first dinner and it really set things off in a great way.

Harry: Yeah, Kat was like 12 years old when the show started.

Nicola: Jade and I met working on a play together in Toronto as we both do theatre and we’re both Canadian. When we got the play we started rehearsals and Jade was worried because he had to take two days off to do this TV show that I’m doing. And I was like ‘Oh my god me too!’ What’s the show? Shadowhunters! What about you? Shadowhunters!

(Jade, in French, talks about knowing Anna Hopkins, pointing at the photograph up on the screen. Audience says no, he’s confused, looks at the picture again, realises it’s Emeraude, searches the screen, realises Anna isn’t on it (as she’s only here Sunday). Jade: Nooooooooo.

Jade also knew Alexandra Odolis, who plays Ollie, and the Seelie Queen.

Harry: What’s Seelie queen in French?

Jade & Dan: Reine De Fee? (They start discussing the difference between fairy and seelie and whether that’s the correct translation. There’s mumbling on stage. Nicola joins in. The first few rows of the audience join in. Everything is talking amongst themselves and confused)

Matt: I DIDN’T KNOW ANY OF THEM! And that’s a really quick translation! So we can do that… (Matt realises that no one’s paying attention to him) What’s happening here? What are we deciphering?

Jade: Fairy and Seelie

Matt: oooooooh..

Will: Should I answer the question? Will that make it more difficult? I did know Dom and I messaged him to say ‘You got this amazing job! Well done!!’ and then, who knew, a few years later, I’m on the show… it’s crazy!

Harry: I didn’t know anyone either. At first I thought I was in an episode of Project Runway. Everyone is just so good looking!

Emeraude: (mocking) Project Runway?!?

Harry: Nevermind. America’s Next Top Model! I don’t know the difference… But what I love about this project is that everyone is so different but the thing that they all have in common is that they all have such good heart and they’re all so talented and know they all have really bright futures ahead of them and it’s really cool to be part of this project that almost had people from all over the world and I think that’s why (dramatic pause) y’all are here (super loud cheering)

Emeraude: I knew Harry but Harry didn’t know me because I was a fan of Glee!

If you could take your character to a concert, which band or artist would you take them to?

Jade: (sing-song) Ga-ga!

David: Kpop

Emeraude: That is so weird! Raphael at a Kpop concert??

David: I know! But I just saw Kpop on Instagram and I thought it was fun. Any Kpop fans here today? (cheering) Okay, well in that case Raphael’s going!

Harry: I have to agree with that. We got a lot of inspiration for Magnus from BIGBANG, their make up and stuff. So I think Magnus definitely went to a couple of BIGBANG concerts. Maybe some BTS I guess.

Emeraude: I really like Halsey right now, and I just really want to meet her, so I would use Isabelle as an excuse to meet her.

Nicole: I would take Maryse to see Jade live. I love Jade’s music and if you haven’t checked it out then do so, it is unbelievable! And it’s so empowering and I think Maryse could use some uplifting empowerment and I think Jade’s music would help her do that so I’m going with Jade all the way.

Alberto: The first impulse thought was to take Simon to a Barenaked Ladies concert. That would be so much fun.

Dom: Do you want to translate now Dan? Before we do the second half of answers? We’ll try really hard to concise these answers because you have a queue of people and we’ll ramble for an hour and a half about what our favourite band is.

Emeraude: (interrupting Dan, before he can start translating) I’m really interested in Matt Daddario’s answer! What would it be?

Matt: I don’t want to waste time!

Emeraude: We’re not wasting time! I’m sure everyone wants to know what your answer is!

Matt: It’s not us, it’s our character-

Emeraude: Stop avoiding the question!!

Matt: I’m not, but we have to think about-


Harry: He can’t think of any band name. At all.

There’s a pause when everyone turns to Dan, waiting for him to translate

Kat: Matt, you’ve got time to google! Go!

Harry: (giggling to himself) The beatles!

(Dan translates)

Kat: I would like Clary to take me to a Simon Lewis concert! And outside the Shadowworld, I think Clary and I would enjoy a P!nk concert.

Luke: We had a long discussion because we were wondering if it was on the same line, and it is…

Will: Well, it kind of is…

Luke: It is! Like, very similar

Will: Well, you say yours and then I say mine

Luke: Mine would be Blink182

Will: And I was going to say Black Sabbath, which I don’t know if that’s the same

Luke: It is! It’s heading in that direction.

Will: It’s true. I need to say Sebastian as well, and we think…

Luke: ..we think for Sebastian…

Will: …It would be like Disney on Ice or something like that

Matt: (pointing between Luke and Will) This is really cute, what’s happening here

Luke: It’s really funny, I want to compare notes. I’m like ‘what do you think about this? What’s going through your head right now?’

Will: We really should have done this before the show ended.

Luke: Yeah, awkward.

Kat: Alright Matt, it’s your turn now

Matt: I already said I’m not sure!

Emeraude: Well say something!

Matt: There’s no point trying to force me to say something. I don’t know what the answer is.

Kat: What about the symphony orchestra or something?

Matt: He might not want to do that necessarily, or he’s probably done that before!

Emeraude: You’d probably rock out to Beyonce or something, right?

Matt: I think the Jade answer is a great answer. It’s a solid answer and I think it would be fun for him

Emeraude: Dom, what did you say?

Dom: I haven’t yet. It’s cheating a little bit but I would like to take Jace to see someone like Elvis. Someone who is so spectacular at what they do, and I quite like the idea of Jace watching him like “why is he moving like that? Is he in pain? Is he hurting?”

Matt: Elvis isn’t alive anymore…

Dom: hey hey hey

David: Don’t you talk about my Elvis like that!  

Since you started filming Shadowhunters, how has your life changed?

Kat: Being barely 19 when I started the show-

Harry: 12!

Kat: 12. Yes. Coming out of the show in my mid 20s it’s a huge influential part of your life-

(Alberto interrupts and whispers to her)

Kat: Early twenties. I’m rounding up, it’s fine. Okay, I’m not rounding up. Coming out of the show in my 20s, I’m so thankful to have been surrounded by such wonderful people, both in the fandom, and all these people up here on stage, the crew and everyone. If there’s anything I’ve learnt it’s that you are an amalgamation of all the people you spend the most time with and that influence you and I can’t thank everyone enough for everything I’ve learnt.

Harry: I’ve grown an appreciation for everyone who wears make up and what it takes to take it off at the end of the night. I have made progress from taking it off by wetting tissue and just like smearing it, and I see girls and they’re just like ‘ooooh, don’t do that!!’ and now I dab and I take it off really softly and nicely. So I’ve grown an appreciation for anyone who wears make up, eyeliner or nail polish.

Will: I’ve learnt a lot from Jonathan (turning to Luke) I’m sure it was the same for you…


Luke: I learnt what NOT to do.

Will: No, seriously. Before I started this job, I was a nice guy, but now, if anyone pisses me off….

Luke: I’ve learnt if anyone pisses me off, I just cry about it. It’s pretty much all I did.

Will: I just scowl at people. I’ve learnt to scowl. And I enjoy that!

Nicola: My life changed in huge ways. I had a 6 month old baby when I started shooting Shadowhunters and suddenly I had kids in their 20s and that was kind of fun. And it gets very lonely sometimes when you first have a baby and you don’t see your friends very much, especially if you’re a working mum so these guys were the first friends I made. Dom was the first person to say ‘come out, come with us and have some fun’. Everyone was so welcoming and they were the first friends that I made after I became a mum and it was a very significant thing for me to have all these guys at this point in my life. It was an epic shift for me, so it was really beautiful.

Jade: Honestly meeting all of these guys has been the best part! (to Emeraude) You’re my favourite. But this, THIS here is very much part of it and has very much changed everything which is why we’re in Paris right now, together, and going around the world. The show is cool, and it’s nice, and it’s fun, and it’s magic and like, ‘oooooh, a TV show!!’, but it doesn’t compare to the experiences that we have right now and in between shooting. These are the best parts.

What were some of the funniest moments?

Nicola: I always loved it when one of us was pretending to be dead or knocked out. There’s something funny about pretending to be passed out. We had a scene, with Dom and me, where I’m meant to be passed out and Magnus comes and saves me and it’s so hard to not laugh when you’re pretending to be dead or passed out. I think everyone at some point had to be dead or passed out and there’s something funny, too, about watching your friends trying to be dead and be like ‘I should do something to make them laugh!’

Matt: It helps if you sleep

Dom: Not if you’re supposed to be dead! I remember this. They did a shot over me, when I died, to Kat and Alan, and I just heard Drew go “I can see you breathing!”

Emeraude: There’s a video we did for Matt Daddario’s birthday that we all had to keep a straight face, and I thought that was a cool moment

Harry: It was! We did it like 6 times and you just couldn’t keep a straight face the whole time!

Emeraude (deadpan): Happy Birthday Matt

Harry: There you go!

Kat: I think one of my favourite memories was one of the first dinners we ever had and we played that game where you all put your phones away and then whoever touches their phone first-

Matt: That game? That GAME where we put our phones AWAY at DINNER?

Kat: Yes!

Dom: You all put them in the middle and if someone grabs their phone, they have to pay for everything

Kat: You were there!!

Matt: I don’t remember that

Kat: We were all still getting to know each other

Jade: Who won?

Kat: We had to split the cheque in the end because we were all good! But it was one of the best conversation we had because we were forced to get to know each other

Harry: So the lessons is-

Matt: Wait wait wait. This is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. We went to dinner and we put our phones out in front of us and that way we were forced to get to know each other? Otherwise, what happens? Would we all sit there like this (pretends to be on phone).

Kat: Literally that’s what people do

Harry: I’ve seen a lot of dinners like that

Dom: Yeah

Matt: On their phones?

Harry: Literally, eating and on their phones.

Matt: (eyerolling) Wow… that sounds like a great dinner


Dom: Dan? (laughter)

(Dan translates)

Harry: The last thing I’ll say was the funniest moment was the baby goat legs? Did you see that? The blooper? I think I gained like 4 abs from laughing. I don’t even remember the line, but I had to do a serious line like ‘here is this beautiful baby’ and then plonk.

Dom: And it was! It literally was this noise (drops microphone)

Harry: And we couldn’t… usually you want to be professional but we could not get through that scene.

Kat: I looked over and Matt is purple and Harry is crying and everyone is losing it

Dom: The only person who kept it together was the mother

Matt: Well the nurse-mother has a scene earlier where I go upstairs and I’m looking for her and she comes out and very seriously goes ‘Shhh. Baby’s sleeping’. And I couldn’t get through that scene either because there’s something so funny about the silence and then that very serious line. The goat feet though. Thank got they got rid of that, because that did not work.

Dan: Sorry. I’ve lost you.. what was it you had in your arms?

Harry: A goat feet baby.

Dan: A baby?

Harry: A baby with goat feed

Kat: A human baby with-

Matt: Prosthetics-

Harry: And I’m holding a real baby, too!

Lots of confusion, everyone is trying to help, talking simultaneously, but making it worse

Nicola: Jade, do you want to translate this?

Jade: Okay, so it was a real baby with fake goat legs?

Dom: Yes, real baby. Fake goat legs. We couldn’t find a real baby with real goat legs.

Dan: Okay, but the thing that fell on the floor was a fake baby?

Kat/Matt/Dom: No. No no no.

Matt: Goat feet

Dom: A real baby. Actual real human baby child.

Harry: Fake baby, real goat feet.

Dom: No!

Harry: I don’t know where they got the goat feet from but…

Matt: (to audience) Right, you’re just going to have to explain to your neighbour what happened!

(Dan starts to translate. Everyone on stage watches the sign interpreter)

Alberto: What is the sign for goat feet?

Dom: Yeah, we’re all quite curious here, what’s the sign for goat feet?

(Interpreter translates their questions into sign)

Matt: Oh no! Now she has to explain what we asked!

(Interpreter shows the guests what the sign for goat feet is)

Dom: This is all I’ve learnt. I’ve been watching this spectacular woman signing and translating everything (applause) and all I’ve learnt from it, is goat feet, which is cool, but…

Matt: It’s a useful thing to know!

Will: You can use that in many a conversation!

Dom: Many situations! All the time!


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